The AMDRAS system introduces three accreditation levels for mediators: Accredited Mediator, Advanced Mediator, and Leading Mediator. These levels have distinct practice and CPD requirements, aiming to distinguish mediators based on their experience and expertise.
The introduction of these levels recognises the challenges new mediators face in securing work and accommodates those practising mediation part-time or periodically. Research indicates that users of mediation services benefit from knowing a mediator's level of experience, enhancing trust and confidence in the process.
Members will be advised when applications to apply for Leading and Advanced Mediator are available.
You can find more information and the Guidelines here:
(Full details on CPD can be found in Appendix 2 of the AMDRAS - Appendices)
Members, please log in to track your hours, if you would like a printable copy download it below.
Key to activities:
Type of CPD Activity | Activity Code | Claimable Maximum Hours
Definition/Description | Special Provisions
Education and Conferences - C1 - 20 hours
Structured Peer-Based Reflection - C2 - 7 hours
Professional Supervision or Coaching - C3 - 8 hours
Providing Professional Development - C4 - 15 hours
Related Professional CPD - C5 - 5 hours
-behavioural or social sciences
-another professional field.
Role Playing in dispute resolution Training - C6 - 4 hours
e.g., in the Certificate of Training, Certificate of Assessment, or other approved
AMDRAS-related training provided by an RTP, RSP or RAP.
Representing Clients in dispute resolution Processes - C7 - 4 hours
A maximum of 2 hours can be claimed for each separate process.
Self-directed learning - C8 - 5 hours
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