New Levels of AMDRAS Accreditation

The AMDRAS system introduces three accreditation levels for mediators: Accredited Mediator, Advanced Mediator, and Leading Mediator. These levels have distinct practice and CPD requirements, aiming to distinguish mediators based on their experience and expertise.

  • Accredited Mediator: For newly accredited mediators, providing a foundation to build their practice.
  • Advanced Mediator: For mediators with greater experience, offering recognition of their developed skills and expertise.
  • Leading Mediator: For highly experienced mediators who contribute significantly to the field. Leading Mediators are expected to mentor and supervise less experienced practitioners, addressing an identified need for leadership in the industry.

The introduction of these levels recognises the challenges new mediators face in securing work and accommodates those practising mediation part-time or periodically. Research indicates that users of mediation services benefit from knowing a mediator's level of experience, enhancing trust and confidence in the process.

Members will be advised when applications to apply for Leading and Advanced Mediator are available.

You can find more information and the Guidelines here:

(Full details on CPD can be found in Appendix 2 of the AMDRAS - Appendices)

Members, please log in to track your hours, if you would like a printable copy download it below.

Download Printable CPD Guidelines

Key to activities:

Type of CPD Activity | Activity Code | Claimable Maximum Hours

Definition/Description | Special Provisions

Education and Conferences - C1 - 20 hours

  • Participating in formal structured activities such as training seminars and workshops (up to 20 hours).
  • Attending conferences (up to 10 hours).

Structured Peer-Based Reflection - C2 - 7 hours

  • Participating in structured peer-based reflection on dispute resolution cases.

Professional Supervision or Coaching - C3 - 8 hours

  • Receiving supervision in relation to practice issues.

Providing Professional Development - C4 - 15 hours


  • Preparation of presentations on dispute resolution or related topics.
  • Preparing presentations on dispute resolution or related topics – up to 5 hours.
  • Delivering presentations on dispute resolution or related topics: -providing professional supervision, assessment, coaching or mentoring of other RPs or trainees.
  • Contributions to leadership in the field – up to 5 hours.
  • Leading Mediators must provide a minimum of 10 hours.

Related Professional CPD - C5 - 5 hours

  • CPD is completed to maintain professional licensing or accreditation related to one's practice, such as in


-behavioural or social sciences

-another professional field.

Role Playing in dispute resolution Training - C6 - 4 hours

e.g., in the Certificate of Training, Certificate of Assessment, or other approved

AMDRAS-related training provided by an RTP, RSP or RAP.

Representing Clients in dispute resolution Processes - C7 - 4 hours

  • e.g., as part of a lawyer-client relationship or as a support person to a party.

A maximum of 2 hours can be claimed for each separate process.

Self-directed learning - C8 - 5 hours

  • Private study includes reading, listening to or viewing pre-recorded content like podcasts and writing articles or books related to mediation that are published in recognised journals or by reputable publishers.

Publications and Research Participation - C9 - 8 hours

  • Writing articles or other publication types such as blogs, reports, submissions, and the like.
  • Participation in dispute resolution-related research.

A maximum of 4 hours can be claimed for any one activity.

Other - C10 - 5 hours

Other activities as approved by the AMDRAS Board on application by an RAP.

To read more about your CPD hours

Whether you’re working towards accreditation or just want to stay organised, this article shows you how to make it effortless. Check it out and take control of your growth as a mediation professional!

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